Saturday, January 5, 2013

Teacher-y Wisdom: Here We Go!

When I first became a Pinterest addict back during my KDMC stint (I still have nightmares about that job...), I discovered the wonderful world of teacher blogging -- lots of cutesy blogs written by teachers about everything from classroom organization to what they wore that day to common core initiative. Of course I immediately wanted to create my own right then and there because I was so inspired; however, being that I was only a "teacher candidate" and had no real experience (unless you count the time I got to take lunch count during one of my clinical experiences...), I refrained -- I'm sure you're all grateful for that because inevitably my posts would have consisted of nail polish and makeup reviews, along with heavy ranting about how much I hated working midnight shift in the ER. My patience in this matter was probably for the best. You're welcome.

All of that being said, I've decided that now is the time to begin blogging about all of my teacher-y wisdom (just kidding! -- it will actually be about my lack thereof). This is probably a good time to insert a disclaimer: I'm not a real teacher. Not yet anyways.  My unofficial official title (which I've coined myself) is "almost" teacher, because I begin official student teaching in 9 days (eeekkk!) I'll spend 8 weeks in middle school and 8 weeks in high school, essentially responsible for the day to day operation and instruction of the classroom. And then I'll be a real teacher (degree and all!)

So, this blog is all about sharing the journey (although it's already been quite a journey to get to this point!) of my teaching career from the verrrrrryyy beginning: an "absolutely true" view of what it's really like to be in a classroom for 8 hours a day, responsible for 100+ other human beings. Stay tuned for weekly doses of  almost teacher-y wisdom :)

Here we go!


1 comment:

  1. I *just* found your blog via this pin -

    I had to dash over and say hi because I'm a student teacher this semester! Looking forward to reading more on your blog, and a late congratulations on graduating! :)

    Miss White's Classroom
